What is Ethical Hacking and How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

What is Ethical Hacking and How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

In the increasingly advanced digital era, cybersecurity threats have become one of the most critical issues for companies around the world. Cyberattacks can result in significant financial losses, data breaches, and damage a company’s reputation. One way to overcome this threat is through ethical hacking. In this article, we will discuss what ethical hacking is, its role in cybersecurity, the skills required, and how to become a professional ethical hacker.

What is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking is a process in which someone called an ethical hacker simulates an attack on a computer system, network, or application to find security weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious attackers. Unlike illegal hacking, ethical hacking is done with the consent of the system owner and aims to improve cybersecurity.

What is meant by hacking in this context is the act of accessing a system or network unauthorizedly. However, in ethical hacking, this action becomes legal and useful because it is used to protect and repair the system.

The Role of Ethical Hacking for Companies

Companies that use ethical hackers can significantly improve their cybersecurity. Here are some of the important roles that ethical hacking plays in an organization:

Building Security Awareness

One of the main benefits of ethical hacking is increasing security awareness among employees and internal parties. Through penetration testing and attack simulations, companies can identify potential weaknesses in their security infrastructure and provide training to internal teams to deal with them.

Finding Security Vulnerabilities or Weaknesses

Ethical hackers are trained to think like an attacker. They look for and find security holes that traditional security tools may not detect. For example, they may find errors in network configurations or software that could be exploited by malicious hackers. With these findings, companies can fix systems before the holes are exploited.

Assisting System Security Readiness

By conducting regular penetration tests, ethical hacking helps companies prepare for potential cyberattacks. It’s not just about fixing weaknesses, it’s also about building resilience and ensuring that a company’s security systems are always up-to-date.

Skills Needed for Ethical Hacking

Becoming an ethical hacker requires deep technical skills and an understanding of many aspects of cybersecurity. Here are some essential skills an ethical hacker should have:


An ethical hacker needs to have a good knowledge of programming. This is because they must be able to understand the code and find any weaknesses that may exist in it. Programming languages ​​such as Python, C, C++, Java, and Perl are often used in ethical hacking.

Knowledge of Networking

A thorough understanding of computer networks is essential for an ethical hacker. They must know how networks function, how data packets are transferred, and how attacks can be carried out on network infrastructure. Knowledge of protocols such as TCP/IP, DNS, and DHCP is essential in this field.

Understand Database

Databases store a lot of sensitive information, and an ethical hacker must be able to explore and find weaknesses in database systems. They need to understand SQL and how to protect databases from SQL injection attacks or unauthorized access.

Hacking Tools

An ethical hacker must master various hacking tools used to conduct penetration tests and security evaluations. Popular tools often used in ethical hacking include Kali Linux, Metasploit, Nmap, and Wireshark.

Knowledge of Script

The ability to write and understand scripts is also important for ethical hackers. With scripts, they can automate certain attacks or penetration tests, which can help them find security vulnerabilities more efficiently.

Rules and Ethics in Ethical Hacking

While ethical hacking is a legal and beneficial practice, there are a number of rules and ethics that ethical hackers must adhere to. This is important to ensure that their activities do not violate the law or harm others.

Valid Permission

An ethical hacker may only conduct penetration tests or attack simulations with the legitimate permission of the system or network owner. Without permission, such hacking activities can be considered illegal.

Clear Boundaries

Every ethical hacking job must have clear boundaries, including which areas can be tested and which methods can be used. This is important to ensure that their actions do not cause unintentional damage to the system.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Ethical hackers must maintain the confidentiality of the data they access during the hacking process. They must not divulge sensitive information or use it for personal gain.

Professional Responsibility

An ethical hacker must act professionally and responsibly. They must report their findings honestly and provide appropriate advice to fix the weaknesses they find.

Reporting Findings Honestly

Any findings obtained during the ethical hacking process must be reported honestly to the system owner. This includes any weaknesses or security holes that can be exploited by malicious hackers.

Ethical Hacking Certification

To become a recognized ethical hacker, there are several certifications that can be taken. These certifications show that someone has the skills and knowledge needed to do ethical hacking work professionally.

Certified Network Defender (CND)

This certification is designed for individuals who want to protect, detect, and respond to network threats. CND focuses on network security and how to defend against cyberattacks.

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

Certified Ethical Hacker is one of the most popular certifications in the field of ethical hacking. This certification shows that someone has the skills to perform penetration tests and evaluate the security of computer systems.

EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA)

The ECSA certification is a further step up from CEH and focuses on security analysis capabilities and in-depth knowledge of networks, systems, and applications.


Ethical hacking is an essential element in the modern world of cybersecurity. By simulating attacks and finding vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious attackers, ethical hackers help protect a company’s data and systems. To become an ethical hacker, one must have in-depth knowledge of programming, networking, databases, and hacking tools and techniques used in the industry. Additionally, taking certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker will increase the credibility and professional capabilities in this field.

References: www.dewaweb.com , www.cloudeka.id .

Author: Yazid Yusuf – Directorate of Information Technology Center

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