How to Secure Personal Data on the Internet

How to Secure Personal Data on the Internet

Protecting our personal data is becoming more and more important in today’s computer and internet era because every time we use the internet, our data can be targeted by cybercriminals. Therefore, it is very important to know how to protect our personal data when using the internet.

1. What is meant by Personal Data?

1.1 Definition of Personal Data

Personal data is any information that can identify a person, either directly or indirectly, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, and even identity numbers such as passport or KTP. In some cases, personal data also includes financial information, health, and a person’s habits and preferences for interacting with the internet.

1.2 What is Included in Personal Data

The category of personal data covers a lot more than just names and addresses; it includes information such as IP addresses, location data, internet search history, and social media interactions. Data can be collected in a variety of ways, such as when we use an app on our smartphone, make an online purchase, or register on a website.

2. 8 Ways to Protect Personal Data Effectively

2.1 Encrypted Data

Encryption is one of the most popular methods for protecting your personal data on the internet. Encrypted data is data that has been converted into code that cannot be read by third parties. Make sure to use websites that use the HTTPS protocol, which ensures that information sent through the site is encrypted.

2.2 Beware of Suspicious Links

Cybercriminals often use phishing techniques to get your personal data. They may send you an email or message with a link that looks legitimate, but you should be wary of these phishing links because they can give cybercriminals access to your personal data.

2.3 Do Not Provide Personal Data Information on Social Media

Social media is a place where many people share personal data that they are not aware of. Never give out personal information such as phone numbers, home addresses, or financial details there. It is very important to protect your personal data from being misused by irresponsible parties.

2.4 Be Careful with Public WiFi

Public WiFi is often unsecured and can be a place where hackers can access your personal data. The best way to protect your personal data when using public WiFi is to avoid connecting to unsecured WiFi networks when you have sensitive information such as passwords or banking transactions. To increase your security, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

2.5 Make Passwords Hard to Guess

One of the most important steps to protect your personal data is to use strong passwords. A strong password should consist of a combination of numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters. Additionally, a password manager can help you keep track of strong passwords for each of your accounts. This will help you avoid using the same password for all of your accounts.

2.6 Use Incognito Mode

Using Incognito mode can help protect your personal data while you browse the internet by preventing your browsing history, cookies, and form data from being stored on your device. This is especially useful when you are using a shared device or public computer.

2.7 Be Careful in Choosing Applications on Your Cellphone

Apps downloaded from untrusted sources may contain malware that can steal your personal data. Make sure to download apps only from official sources such as the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, and check the permissions requested by the app before installing it.

2.8 Periodic Software Updates

This is another way to protect your personal data. Software updates usually include security fixes that protect your device from new threats. Therefore, do not ignore notifications to update the software, whether it is on your computer, smartphone, or the applications you use.

Personal Data Threats in the Digital Age

Along with technological advances, threats to personal data are increasingly complex. Cybercrimes such as identity theft, account hacking, and data misuse are increasing. Cybercriminals can steal personal data in various ways, such as malware, phishing, and exploiting system vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is very important to stay vigilant and keep learning about how to protect personal data when interacting on the internet.

How to Protect Personal Data on Your Cellphone

In addition to computers, smartphones are also a major target for hackers. Here are some ways to secure data on your phone:

  1. Use a strong screen lock: The first layer of defense on your smartphone is the screen lock. Use a pattern or PIN that no one else can guess.
  2. Enable additional security features: Most modern smartphones have additional security features, such as facial or fingerprint recognition, so you can add an extra layer of protection.
  3. Always backup data: Always backup data to prevent data loss if your device is damaged or lost.
  4. Disable WiFi and Bluetooth when not in use: If left on, hackers can use WiFi and Bluetooth as a way in. To reduce the risk, turn them off when not in use.
  5. Remove unused apps: To reduce security risks, you should remove unused apps from your device.

Mention Three Ways to Maintain Data and Information Security

There are various ways to keep your data and information safe. However, the three most effective ways are:

  1. Always use encryption: Make sure all data transmitted or stored is properly encrypted.
  2. Keep passwords secret: Create a strong password and don’t give it to anyone.
  3. Be wary of suspicious emails and links. Do not click or download attachments or links from suspicious emails, especially from unknown sources.


Securing personal data on the internet requires vigilance and proper precautions. By following this guide, you can protect your data from various cyber threats. Remember that you are responsible for the security of your data.


Author: Yazid Yusuf – Directorate of Information Technology Center

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