What Is Kubernetes and How Does It Work?

What Is Kubernetes and How Does It Work?

In the modern era of cloud computing, managing applications running in containers is one of the important keys to efficiency and scalability. Kubernetes is a technology that is here to help manage containers automatically in a more efficient, reliable, and scalable way. For developers and IT operations teams, Kubernetes offers the ability to run applications with high flexibility in various environments.

This article will explore in depth what Kubernetes is, how Kubernetes works, its main components, and the benefits it offers.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (abbreviated k8s) is an open-source platform for container orchestration, which automatically manages, deploys, and scales containers. Containers are a lightweight virtualization technology that allows applications to run in isolated environments while still being efficient in terms of resource usage. Kubernetes manages applications running in containers, ensuring that they can run stably, scale, and handle failures.

Kubernetes is an open-source project developed by Google, and is now one of the de facto standards in container management in cloud and data center environments. With Kubernetes’ function as a platform for organizing and managing container applications, IT teams can focus more on application development without having to bother managing the details of the underlying infrastructure.

Kubernetes Components

To better understand how Kubernetes works, we need to know the main components that make up this system. In the Kubernetes architecture, there are several important parts that enable container orchestration and management to run smoothly.

1. Clusters

Clusters are the basic unit of Kubernetes. A Kubernetes cluster consists of multiple machines called nodes (which can be virtual machines or physical servers), which run containers and are managed by a Kubernetes master. In a cluster, each node has a role to run and manage isolated applications inside containers. The cluster allows Kubernetes to scale applications horizontally, adding or removing resources as needed.

2. Objects

In Kubernetes, there are several objects that are used to represent application state and resources. Some important objects in Kubernetes include:

  • Pod : The smallest unit in Kubernetes consisting of one or more containers running together.
  • Service : Represents a stable network endpoint for a group of pods. It enables load balancing and distribution of application traffic.
  • Deployment : An object that manages the automatic setup and scaling of pods, including application version rollout and rollback.
  • ConfigMap and Secret : Objects used to manage configuration and secret information (e.g., API keys) used by the application.

These objects are the basic building blocks that make it easy for Kubernetes to manage the entire application lifecycle, from deployment to update and recovery.

How Kubernetes Works

Essentially, Kubernetes works by managing containers in a cluster, coordinating how containers are deployed, scaled, and maintained. Some of the key components that make Kubernetes work are:

  • API Server : Kubernetes control center that receives requests from users and manages all operations within the cluster.
  • Scheduler : Determines where new pods will be run based on the resources available on the node.
  • Controller Manager : Responsible for managing the overall cluster state, including scaling and managing pod replication.
  • Kubelet : A component on each node that is responsible for running containers and ensuring they function according to the API Server specifications.
  • etcd : Distributed storage for storing all cluster configuration data, including pod status, services, and other data required by the cluster.

The Kubernetes process begins when a user (or an automated system) sends a command to manage a pod or other object. After that, the Scheduler will determine the best node to run the new pod based on available resources. The kubelet on that node will start the container and monitor its status. If a pod or node fails, Kubernetes will try to recover it automatically by creating a new pod or moving the workload to another node.

Benefits of Kubernetes

Kubernetes comes with a number of benefits that make it a popular choice for container management. Some of the key benefits of Kubernetes include:

1. Scalability

One of the main advantages of Kubernetes is its ability to scale automatically. Kubernetes can easily increase or decrease the number of containers according to the workload faced by the application. This allows for efficient use of resources, ensuring that applications remain responsive even when there is a sudden increase in traffic or resource needs.

2. Efficiency

By using containers, Kubernetes enables applications to run with high efficiency. Kubernetes automatically allocates resources according to needs and avoids excessive resource usage. This not only saves operational costs but also improves application performance.

3. Portability

Kubernetes supports high portability. Applications deployed using Kubernetes can run in a variety of environments, from on-premise data centers to public clouds such as Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure. This allows high flexibility for application migration or running applications in a hybrid manner between different cloud providers.

4. Security

Security is a critical aspect of container-based application management. Kubernetes has a variety of mechanisms to secure containers, including network policies, secrets management (such as passwords and API keys), and role-based access control (RBAC).

5. Automation

One of the main attractions of Kubernetes is its automation capabilities. Many administrative tasks, such as deployment, scaling, load balancing, and failure recovery, are automated by Kubernetes. This reduces the workload of operational teams and ensures applications remain available and running smoothly.

Kubernetes Advantages

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Kubernetes also has several technical advantages that make it superior in container orchestration. Here are some of the key features of Kubernetes that add value:

1. Service Discovery

Kubernetes provides service discovery, which allows containers to communicate with each other easily. When a new pod is deployed, Kubernetes automatically adds network information so that the pod can be discovered and accessed by other services in the cluster.

2. Load Balancing

Kubernetes also supports automatic load balancing. This means that if there is more than one pod instance running the same application, Kubernetes will divide the traffic evenly between the pods, keeping the application performance stable.

3. Storage Orchestration

Kubernetes supports storage orchestration, which allows applications to dynamically allocate and access storage. Kubernetes can work with a variety of storage types, both on-premises and in the cloud, ensuring application data remains secure and accessible to containers.

4. Automatic Rollout and Rollback

Kubernetes supports automatic rollout and rollback. This feature allows users to update applications without service disruption. If there is a problem during the deployment process, Kubernetes can automatically rollback to a stable version.

5. Automatic Bin Packing

With automatic bin packing, Kubernetes automatically allocates containers to available nodes based on the resources needed. This ensures that cluster resources are optimally utilized without wastage.

6. Self-healing

One of the great features of Kubernetes is self-healing, which means that if a pod fails, Kubernetes will automatically try to repair or replace the failed pod with a new one, ensuring that applications continue running without significant downtime.

7. Secret and Configuration Management

Kubernetes has secret and configuration management, which allows users to securely manage application configurations and sensitive data. This feature ensures that information such as passwords, API keys, and certificates remain protected and can only be accessed by containers that need them.


Kubernetes is a comprehensive solution for container orchestration that enables automated, efficient, and secure container management. With features such as load balancing, service discovery, self-healing, and automatic scaling, Kubernetes enables applications to run stably even when facing dynamic workloads.

For companies that need to manage containers at scale, Kubernetes offers a variety of advantages, such as portability, security, and efficiency. By implementing Kubernetes, companies can more easily run, manage, and scale container-based applications, both in cloud and on-premise environments.

Overall, Kubernetes is a very flexible and powerful platform to support the development of modern applications in the world of cloud computing.

References: www.dewaweb.com , centraldatatech.com .

Author: Yazid Yusuf – Directorate of Information Technology Center

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