What is an API and How Does it Work?
In today’s digital era, the term API is often heard, especially in the context of application development and information technology systems. However, what exactly is an API, and how does it work? This article will discuss in depth the meaning of API, its benefits in application development, and how APIs work in the context of […]
– Yanuar Firdaus, S1 RPL, 1302204001 – Ahmad Fathan Hanif, S1 RPL FIF, 1302204090 – Mohamad Lutfi, S1 RPL, 1302204066 – Gilang Satya Nugraha, S1 IF, 1301202319 – Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Arfive Gandhi, S.T., M.T.I. Berhasil meraih JUARA 1 Kategori Umum Inovasi Aplikasi Akuntansi SIABDES di Kompetisi Inovasi Bandung Bedas 2023.
1. Alfara nafi dinara 1301213552 – S1 Informatika 2. Alifya Difa Afasyah 1303210019- S1 Teknologi Informasi 3. Fawaz Al Rasyid 1301213016 -S1 Informatika Berhasil meraih Juara 2 dalam ajang IdenTIK (Indonesia Entrepeneur TIK, dulu di kenal sebagai Indonesia ICT Award) yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (KOMINFO).
– Nizam Abdullah (S1 Informatika) – Bagas Mukti Wibowo (S1 Informatika) – Rizal Nur Arbaatun (S1 Informatika) – Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Vera Suryani Berhasil meraih JUARA HARAPAN (Divisi Keamanan Siber) dalam Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (GEMASTIK) 2023
Definition, Function, Version and Types of IP Address
In an increasingly digitally connected world, the term IP Address is often heard. However, not everyone understands in depth what an IP Address actually is, how it works, and its functions and types. In fact, IP Address is an important element that allows devices around the world to communicate with each other via the internet […]