Archives for 2024


Syntax in Programming: Definition, Function, and Examples

Syntax is the rules or procedures for writing code in a programming language that determine the structure and format so that the code can be understood and run by the computer. In this article, we will discuss syntax in the context of programming, its functions and purposes, as well as examples of syntax in popular […]

By meilina eka | Blog . Programming

What is MySQL? Understanding MySQL, How it Works, and Its Advantages

MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational database management systems (RDBMS) in the world. Developed in 1995 by MySQL AB, the software is now under the auspices of Oracle Corporation. MySQL is known for its efficient data management capabilities, flexibility, and compatibility with various platforms and programming languages. In this article, we […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . Database . Hacker . News . Programming


The ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT issue often occurs when you try to access a website but the browser fails to reach the server within the specified time. This message indicates that there is a problem with the internet connection or the website server in question. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT , its causes, and various ways to […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . Network . News . Programming . SEO

What is DHCP? What is its function and how does it work?

Computer network technology is growing rapidly to support the need for fast and efficient data communication. One of the important elements in network management is DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) . This protocol has a crucial role in automatically managing IP addresses on a network. This article will discuss in depth what DHCP is , the function of a DHCP […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . Network . News

What is Fiber Optics? Definition, Types and Its Functions

Communication technology is developing rapidly, and one of the innovations that is the backbone of modern communication is fiber optics . Fiber optics is a transmission medium that uses glass or plastic fibers to transmit data in the form of light. This article will discuss the definition of fiber optics , its structure, how it works, and its advantages.   Understanding […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . News

What is Cyber ​​Crime? Definition, Types, and Case Examples

Technology has become an integral part of modern human life. Unfortunately, along with the development of technology, digital threats such as cyber crime also continue to increase. Cyber ​​crime is a type of crime committed via the internet by utilizing digital devices as a tool or target of crime. This article will discuss in detail the definition of cyber crime , […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . Hacker . Network . News

What is ERR CONNECTION RESET? Causes, Solutions, Practical Tips

ERR CONNECTION RESET is an error message that appears in browsers (such as Google Chrome) when the connection to a website is suddenly disconnected. This means that the browser cannot establish stable communication with the server of the intended website. This problem can be caused by a variety of factors, both from the user and […]

By Eko Bahran Adinata | berita

What is a Web Browser: Definition, Function, and Types

Web browsers are one of the most frequently used software in everyday life, especially for those who regularly surf the internet. Although almost everyone uses a web browser, not everyone understands in depth the meaning of a web browser , how it works, and its types. This article will discuss web browsers in full, from their functions […]

By Yazid Yusuf | Blog . News . Programming . SEO