Welcome to the Bachelor of Informatics Study Program
Dr. Erwin Budi Setiawan, S.Si., M.T.
Head of the Informatics Study Program
Welcome to the Bachelor of Informatics Study Program website, the Informatics Study Program is one of the best study programs at Telkom University, where the Informatics Study Program is nationally accredited as Superior by BAN PT on 5 May 2021 – 31 March 2026, Best Study Program QS 5 Star : Strength Program (December 2020), Ranked 4th in Indonesia in the Computer Science subject from Times Higher Education (December 2020) and Internationally Accredited by IABEE “General Accreditation” as of March 18 2021.
The Informatics Study Program has a vision, namely towards an undergraduate study program with a national and international reputation in innovative education, research and community service in the field of Informatics, especially Intelligent Systems.

Professional in the field of Informatics
System analyst and intelligent system developer, Software developer, System analyst, UI/UX engineer, Network engineer, Information security engineer, IT consultant, IT forensics investigator

Entrepreneur in the field of Informatics
Entrepreneurs in the field of informatics who will use their creativity and innovation skills to build independent businesses or create jobs for others

Academic in Informatics
Academics in the field of Informatics who will focus on becoming teachers and/or researchers in various higher education institutions and/or research institutions at home and abroad